Well there was a little bit of happy news this World AIDS Day, people who are diagnosed HIV+ are living longer more normal lives than ever before. I learned that on NPR today in the car. I was all driving and half listening and half wondering when the new Trader Joes is opening in my neighborhood and all of a sudden I heard the NPR lady say a name I knew. It was my friend who is an epidemiologist and has been studying the AIDS epidemic in Los Angeles for the past several years. She sounded really smart and cool. So I turned up the radio.
She was talking about gay Hispanic men and crystal meth use.
"Mommy, what's gay sex?"
I quickly turned to JACK FM. 867-530niyine... and cranked it up. "What was that honey?"
Soon the children had forgotten all about gay sex and were rocking out to freeform radio oldies.
Thank you Tommy Tutone.
Buy the kids some handheld gaming machines with ear plugs and you can listen to all the NPR you want.
I've said it a million times: NPR is bad for the children.
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